A technology preview for Apple Watch and PubNub, to build real-time communication for Apple Watch applications including chat, home automation, and the IoT.
How to get started with Storage & Playback, History, and Presence using the PubNub Objective-C SDK for Swift for real-time iOS apps.
This tutorial gets you up and running with Swift and PubNub publish/subscribe messaging to build real-time iOS apps.
How to receive broadcasted iOS location data and display it on a real-time, live-updating map using the Mapbox API and Swift programming language.
How to receive broadcasted iOS location data and display it on a real-time, live-updating map using the Google Maps API and Swift programming language.
How to receive broadcasted iOS location data and display it on a real-time, live updating map using the MapKit API and Swift programming language.
How to build an iOS location tracking app and stream location data to a live-updating map using Swift programming language.
How to build a mobile iOS chat app with Cordova/PhoneGap and AngularJS, then turn it cross-platform for mobile and web devices.
Paer is an iOS application that uses Bluetooth Low Energy tech to transfer data and share contact info between iOS devices by simply bumping the phones together.