Everything to build & manage transport, delivery, and logistics solutions at scale

Optimize logistics, dispatch, and delivery with real-time proximity matching, location tracking, chat, time-sensitive alerts/notifications, and live dashboards


Partner with PubNub to help your customers:

Delivery Driver Icon

Track and trace shipments or fleets through supply chains

Ensure dynamic routing for efficiency and cost reduction

Get real-time on/offline status for every user, device, and sensor

Process massive amounts of data & put your business logic into our edge messaging network

Syndicate data streams to business partners

Red padlock icon with unlocked shackle indicating cybersecurity concept.

Stay secure with real-time access management and role-based control

Supply Chain resilience & real-time visibility

Providing you with the tools for successful real-time solutions

Supply Chain Resilience

The ability to respond quickly to all manner of operational disruptions through flexible contingency planning and forecasting

Real-time Visibility

The ability to accurately track and trace assets, their location, and status throughout the supply chain - live and in real-time.

Why PubNub?

Transport, delivery, and logistics solutions rely on PubNub for real-time visibility and control

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Location Tracking

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Mobile Push Alerts

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Data Streaming

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Presence & State Detection

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Access control

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Time critical alerts

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Geo-triggered events

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In-app chat

Our customers

You’re in good company

These customers trust PubNub to power their real-time visibility and tracking features

Decisiv geotracking for assets

Real-time fleet tracking

Decisiv syncs and streams real-time vehicle fleet data with PubNub.

Tenna Logo

Real-time asset tracking

Tenna uses PubNub to power real-time visibility for construction companies.

How can we help you?

Quickly gain the real-time visibility and agility necessary to keep global supply chains efficient for use cases such as:

  • Fleet tracking

  • Asset and temperature monitoring

  • Cargo/load capacity utilization

  • Dynamic routing and dispatching

  • ...and more

Let's Chat

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