According to the WHO, 45% of member states average only 1 doctor for every 1000 people.
Ensuring broader access to healthcare will require creativity, and capability-multiplying technologies like cognitive computing offer a path forward. This is especially true in the fight against COVID-19 worldwide.
Hear how SourceFuse combined real-time communications technologies and machine learning to create DocBot. This app enables and enhances doctor-patient interaction anywhere across the globe.
We cover how DocBot incorporates AWS offerings to provide smart and language-independent assistance to doctors, and personalized health consultation for patients. Layered with PubNub's HIPAA-compliant chat SDK, we'll show how these technologies work together to create a creative vision for the future of telemedicine.
During this webinar, you’ll learn from the experts on:
What is happening in Telemedicine?
Best practices for Telemedicine
How to build “Slack for Healthcare"
The importance of a unified interface
Patient safety at the forefront
AWS: Comprehend Medical, Translate, Transcribe Medical & Polly
See what essential technologies are supporting doctors and protecting patients worldwide.