This week, Jordan Zucker, iOS maestro at PubNub, shows us just how simple it is to get PubNub up and running in a brand-new iOS project using CocoaPods. Here’s the rundown:
Download the iOS Getting Started Git Repository from the video
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects that makes it super easy to add and update 3rd party libraries in iOS projects. This is by far the best way to load PubNub’s iOS SDK.
Without CocoaPods, adding a 3rd party library to an iOS project can take up to 40 minutes, assuming you know what you’re doing. CocoaPods cuts this down to only 2-3 minutes, so you can spend that time doing something more productive, like building your cool app.
There’s not a whole lot to it, really. Just a few simple steps:
- Create project in Xcode
- Close project (project must be closed for the following steps)
- Create Podfile
- Run
pod install
from command line within project repository - Open up a newly created workspace (in this case Example.xcworkspace)
- Navigate to ViewController.m
- Add
#import <PubNub/PubNub.h>
- Add
@property (nonatomic, strong) PubNub *client;
- Add
protocol to ViewController.m - Initialize PubNub client instance using your pub and sub keys. Assign it to
instance variable - Register ViewController as a listener for PubNub subscribe callbacks
- Subscribe to test channel
- Add label and button properties to ViewController class (declare them as IBOutlets)
- Update label with message from
- (void)client:(PubNub *)client didReceiveMessage:(PNMessageResult *)message
callback - Add IBAction for button. Implementation should publish “Hello, world!” string on same test channel
- Connect button, label, and action in Main.storyboard
- Run on sim and click button to see the result!
This is only a simple walkthrough that shows you how to get PubNub up and running with a simple publish-subscribe function. For more in-depth information, visit our docs page for the PubNub iOS SDK. Happy coding!