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Compliance and Real-time Innovation in India

3 min read Jeremy Pollock on Apr 6, 2020
Compliance and Real-time Innovation in India.jpg

All around the world, governments are racing to protect their citizens’ privacy in response to the ubiquity of digital interactions and the influence of data collection. As software providers aim to leverage their user data to improve their products and deliver more relevant and timely experiences to customers, consumers want to make sure that they have a choice in how their data is used, and their governments support that desire. In 2018, the EU passed GDPR, and it’s no surprise that other governments are following suit. India is looking to better protect its citizens with regulations that require foreign companies to store data generated in India locally, within the country.

PubNub has a rich history of supporting customer needs around security, privacy, and regulations, and supporting our customers in India is right up that alley. Building upon the roll-out of our services via the Mumbai Point-of-Presence (POP), PubNub now supports customers’ need and ability to store data locally in India. This lets customers meet the regulatory requirements that are now table stakes for their operations in the country. 

Especially for those who want to innovate and use the best technologies available, it’s critical that the technologies and vendors they work with are able to support their India-specific needs. Otherwise, they will be left to find less efficient, less effective ways to solve their core problem, spending effort that should go to providing high-quality solutions and service

The Impact on Customers

The healthcare and financial services sectors of India are most heavily impacted by this regulation, as they handle the most personal and confidential information about those that they serve. In order to do business and use data to innovate within the country, they are on the front lines of navigating the new regulations. With PubNub, these customers are completely covered when it comes to storing data locally. There’s no need to wonder whether data will be protected or stored somewhere else.

How are customers using PubNub in healthcare and financial services in compliance with regulation?


  • Doctor-patient chat makes it easier for doctors and patients to stay in touch and resolve health issues without a visit to the doctor.

  • Doctor-doctor chat and collaboration ensure patient information is shared seamlessly, allowing medical teams to collaborate for better patient outcomes.

  • Geo and location tracking enables emergency service providers and hospitals to think like a rideshare company and make sure patients can make it to their appointments.

  • Alerts and mobile push notifications keep patients connected to their medical care providers and their health needs.

  • Device control ensures patients are taken care of, parents can monitor their infants, and that children maintain healthy habits.

Financial Services

  • Real-time transaction handling ensures payments, stock trades, and other big-ticket items are digitally delivered and received instantaneously

  • Client-facing chat lets professionals and clients stay in touch when they need it.

  • Collaborative team chat to align revenue organizations, discuss deal strategy on the fly, and drive revenue in a more focused manner.

  • Instant updates for opportunities keep team members engaged and up-to-date on the latest and best opportunities.

  • Notifications and alerts for clients who need to be kept up-to-date on what’s happening with their money.

  • Real-time data flow and dashboards keep clients, bankers, and advisors updated to-the-moment on what’s going on with money and markets.

Making Engaging Real-time Experiences a Reality in India

Technology companies in India are racing towards a more connected and always-on world, making it easier, faster, safer, and more convenient for everyday people to do the things they need and achieve the things about which they dream. PubNub’s Real-time Communication Platform provides the backbone that any company can rely on to deliver engaging experiences that users love, including fast-growing companies like Swiggy.

With one of our 15 Points of Presence across the globe located in Mumbai, our customers in India are guaranteed to have a blazing fast connection that delivers less than 30ms latency, while at the same time being reliable and available with a 99.999% uptime SLA guarantee. And even for the fastest-growing customers like Swiggy, scalability is a non-issue with PubNub, allowing them to focus on building the features and core experience that matter while the infrastructure is abstracted away by the use of PubNub.

PubNub is committed to our customers across the globe, and our support for our customers in India is paramount to us as the world’s largest democracy continues not just to come online, but to scale into one of the largest economies in the world.