Our COVID-19 Response: Worker Safety, Business Continuity

There are moments when you realize you are living through history. This is one of them. We at PubNub hope that you, your family and co-workers are staying safe and healthy amidst the current COVID-19 health crisis that is affecting us globally.
We are ending this month having transitioned to a Work-from-Home, Stay-at-Home world. This is happening in many places around the world, highlighting how much our societies are globally interconnected. Over 1 billion school children worldwide are no longer in schools. Quarantines are being instituted around the USA, India, Colombia, Uganda, and Sri Lanka, to name just a few examples. Rarely are we so starkly reminded of how flimsy the distinctions are of nationality, ethnicity, wealth, and theology. In the end we all strive for health, freedom, security, and comfort. The current pandemic threatens all of these.
As a result of lockdowns, shelter-in-place orders, and quarantines, all of our work lives have gone through a major adjustment. We are establishing new norms for remote collaboration and communication. At PubNub, we are going through that transition, as we know all of you are as well. During this time, we must also treat each other with extra empathy for the many adjustments required in our personal lives. We are all trying to solve new childcare and education challenges for our children. Our partners need our patience, while our parents and grandparents are at even greater risk, and many of them are unable to face the crisis alone.
And we know current customers are counting on us now, more than ever. We have scores of healthcare customers that are relying on Chat and other Collaboration functionality to keep doctors offices and hospitals free to handle the growing numbers of COVID-19 patients and many customers are looking to us for features on their E-Learning platforms to ensure there is as little disruption as possible in the education of children around the world. And we know we must maintain the reliable operation of PubNub as seriously as ever. To that end, I would like to reiterate how PubNub is committing to its customers during this time of adjustment:
We have implemented a Work from Home policy for our employees. Please note that we will continue to comply with all of our SOC 2-Type II policies during this time. All our employees have proper and secure access to the systems needed from the locations in which they work.
We are restating our commitment to continue meeting our 99.999% uptime guarantee and ensure continuity of service to our customers.
As part of our SOC 2-Type II certified operations, we have robust business continuity and disaster recovery plans to ensure our business, and yours, continue to run smoothly.
Our entire team will serve you in the ways that you’ve come to expect: we will continue ongoing business relationships, promptly answer support tickets, do proactive business reviews and partner to launch your PubNub-powered products and services. While we might not meet you in-person during this crisis, we will continue to be available via video conference and phone as needed.
PubNub is a global company with a distributed infrastructure, and we are no strangers to business continuity in challenging circumstances. We understand this global crisis is top of mind for all of us. We are committed to adapting to the unfolding events, and ensuring your success during this difficult time.
Todd Greene
CEO, PubNub