Migration to PubNub Chat for Pusher Chatkit Customers
Across mobile and web apps, the demand for Chat functionality has exploded. Building chat sounds simple, but quickly becomes a slippery slope of feature demands and scaling challenges. Because of this, over the past couple of years, many API vendors including PubNub have launched a variety of products to serve that demand. Offering Chat API toolkits brings its own challenges. We should know. Our first Chat offering taught us a lot, and had its own ups and downs. But after years of lessons learned, PubNub Chat has been delivering powerful Chat functionality for a fast-growing list of customers.
Recently, MaNaDr was featured in Time magazine for providing critical chat functionality in telehealth using PubNub Chat. Mayhem, which provides chat for gaming communities, chose PubNub Chat for the speed of implementation, the flexibility of our chat APIs, our reliability, and the ability to extend from Chat to other real-time features seamlessly.
Deciding to “end of life” a product is difficult, and the transparency that Pusher has taken with their decision to retire Chatkit on April 23 deserves merit. As customers consider how they will deliver Chat in the future, we’d invite them to talk to us about PubNub Chat. To facilitate the transition, our team has created a Pusher Chatkit to PubNub Chat migration guide.
We’re also offering free architectural support from our global team of Solution Architects to help with any migration designs, questions, or ideas. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we’ll have a frank and honest conversation about whether or not PubNub Chat can help address your needs.
So if you need reliable, scalable in-app messaging, from telemedicine and emergency dispatch to ecommerce, E-learning, and gaming, please talk to us. And, please stay safe and healthy in these trying times!
Todd Greene
CEO, PubNub