WebRTC Video and Voice Chat Application
WebRTC is a robust package of open-source technology. If you're planning on constructing Skype-like apps on web and mobile iOS/Android, WebRTC simplifies the creation of voice and video chat applications that require real-time communication, including audio or video streaming. What's more, WebRTC enables you to connect two users Peer-to-Peer. For a general overview of the technology, check out our What is WebRTC overview. This blog post delves into the video and voice aspects, guiding you through the process of building a WebRTC video and voice chat application.
Building a WebRTC Video Streaming App with Live Video and Voice Chat
This style of connectivity is phenomenal for saving businesses traditional middle-man server bandwidth costs. The comprehensive WebRTC package includes P2P, Data Streaming, Video and Audio Codecs for the transmission of live conversations between one or more peers. WebRTC also includes the mechanisms for P2P (Peer-to-Peer) connectivity via common STUN to generate network topology route ICE candidates (Interactive Connectivity Establishment).
Can You Use WebRTC for Developing Mobile and Web Apps?
Absolutely! WebRTC is not only easy to use but also excellent for mobile and web app development. However, it's even easier to use for mobile and web apps if you take advantage of the PubNub WebRTC SDK. We've constructed a WebRTC SDK to make your job super easy.
WebRTC SDK for Voice and Video Chat Calling
We've simplified the basics of WebRTC Voice and Video calling for your mobile app development ease. We’ve created simple calling methods which match that of standard telephony calling systems. Use the `phone.dial()` method to initiate a call and the `phone.receive()` method to accept the call. You can check out more on this in our documentation.
The Basic Concepts of WebRTC Calling
Making a WebRTC phone Call
Receiving a WebRTC phone Call
Adding Voice and Video Live Stream
These are just some of the basics. However, you'll likely want to use many more features that are documented on the GitHub WebRTC Documentation readme file. Some additional features include Multi-party Calling and a simple `phone.hangup()` disconnect session method when you're done with your conversation.
WebRTC Voice and Video Chat Live Demo
You can view our live WebRTC Video and Voice Chat Application demo here.
What Else Can You Build with a WebRTC Simple Calling API Other Than a Building a Video Chat App?
There are a plethora of valuable and practical applications that can be constructed using the PubNub WebRTC Calling SDK. Below, we have cataloged a list of ideas for WebRTC Use Cases: